الجمعة، ديسمبر 16، 2005

King Kong is back

Have you seen that movie in its new look? ... Go if you have not ... Go and see how powerful loving a woman can be! but do not cry at the end ... It is just a movie that never happened and will never happen.

Yet we should get the idea ... Loving a woman is great but it is too dangerous .. There were two lovers: the man (the writer, the thinker, the wise human) and the ape (the animal that has only instinct and feelings: he does not write, think, and may be he does not care to be wise)...

The man risked his life for his love .. but he had to use the elevator to ascend the Empire State building .. and he won ..

The ape risked his live too to save his love .. and he just climbed the Empire Satat (more exciting) .. He got her for a while .. but he sadly lost his life after that and the man got the big hug ...

The lesson is: You may love that much .. but do not be the ape ...

هناك تعليق واحد:

  1. I discovered your site by accident, I like it especially this article about king kong, it is meaningful. Inspite of differences in opinions , I respect the way you think and your attitude in expressing what you believe in.
    Best Regards

    Amr Ismail


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